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Configuration parameters

Some of the parameters describing the configuration of the fringe tracker are read automatically by Kvis. Others processing parameters are contained in the file config.params which has the same format as ini.params. A brief description of these parameters is given below. In order for the data to be processed correctly, the user must ensure that config.params contains the values reflecting the state of the fringe tracker when the data was taken. config.params files are archived with the data files.

numSpecChannels 		 Number of spectrometer channels.

WBWave Wide-band wavelength in microns.
strokeWave Length of delay line stroke in microns.
channelWave List of spectrometer channel wavelengths in microns.
Format is comma separated values enclosed in curly brackets.
WBNumReads The number of sub-reads for the wide-band channel.
specNumReads The number of sub-reads for the spectrometer channels.
lockBufferSize The number of samples used to determine thetransition to and from lock
and semi-lock within the fringe tracker software.
FTSMode Toggles FTS mode (Sec. 7.1).
telemMode zabcd telemtry type: 0 = images (before June 2001),
1 = sequence of doubles (June 2001 and later)
seqRead Debugging mode used for archive files with bad index files.
setCalTime If 1, search for calibration data only within times seton command line.
skipZCheck Should be 0 for all files after Jan 2002.
LDLposition The position of the long delay line. Only necessary if theLDL telemetry
is not present (Oct 2003 and earlier).
maxLaserError The maximum delay line position error for accepted data.
rtKvisMode Used only for Kvis run at the observatory (7.2).

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RACHEL L AKESON 2004-11-29