Kvis has a special mode for near real-time visibility estimates while observing and should ONLY be used at the Keck Observatory. This mode is specified by setting rtKvisMode = 1 in config.params. The rtKvis script is described at http://msc.caltech.edu/software/Kvis/rtKvis.help. In rtKvis mode, Kvis processes the calibration data as it is found, rather than in a separate pass through the data. The averaging times for the calibration data are the same as for fringe data and no averaging is done across calibrations (for example, all RATIO integrations are processed separately, rather than averaged). In addition, when in this mode, Kvis checks the current time and the processed time and sleeps to avoid running past the end of the archive file. A stop time is set within the program so that the processing finishes at 18 UT (8 am Hawaii Standard Time).