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Running Kvis

Kvis is run from the command line with input arguments from both the command line and parameter files. The command line syntax is

> Kvis startTime stopTime

The location of the input data is specified by setting the environment variable DATA_DIR. For example, if the data exist in the directory /home/keck/dataArchive then before running Kvis,

> setenv DATA_DIR /home/keck/dataArchive

for t-shell, or

> DATA_DIR = ``/home/keck/dataArchive''

for Bourne shells. If DATA_DIR is not specified, a default path (which is defined in vis_main.h) is used. If more than one archive file is present, the first file is used. A specific data file can be specified by setting DATA_DIR to the complete file name, using the .archfile extension.

The output of Kvis is to stdout and stderr. The level of output is controlled by parameters in the ini.params file (Sec. 3.1).

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RACHEL L AKESON 2004-11-29