The parameters set by the user to control the data processing and output of Kvis are contained in the file ini.params. The file must be in the working directory, otherwise a default location will be searched. The location of the default file is set in If the file exists, but a given value is not present or an error is encountered during the read, a default value is used. The default values are chosen to be appropriate for the standard data reduction. A description of all the variables in ini.params in given in Table 1 and further discussion of the more detailed parameters is in the following sections.
The file format is taken from the PTI vis.params file and input routines, which were written by Brad Hines. The variables in the file can appear in any order within the header categories of grouping, processing and flags. The variable names are case insensitive and must be separated from the value by an =. Comments are designated with a ; at the start. The format of the file, along with the default values, is:
[grouping] frameTime = 0.1 minFrameFill = 0.5 blockTime = 5.0 minBlockFill = 0.5 [processing] specAvgType = 0 doCal = 1 calType = 3 saveCalData = 0 doDewarp = 1 [flags] doPrintRaw = 0 doPrintSample = 0 doPrintFrame = 0 doPrintBlock = 1 doPrintSpec = 1 doPrintAnc = 1