The raw data from KI is stored in archive files. The raw data volume is typically 10 Gbytes for night of visilibity observing and these data are stored in a binary format. An interface program, here called the API (application program interface), extracts and sorts the requested data from the archive file and returns it to Kvis. The location of the archive file must be specified as described in Sec. 3. The data channels to be returned by the API are contained in the channels.params file (Sec. 3.3). The archive file names give the start time for the file with the format yyyydddhhmm.archfile, where ddd is the day of the year and hh and mm are UT time. In addition the file yyyydddhhmm.tindex, which contains reference pointers to times within the archive file, is needed for the API.
The processed visibility data (Level 1 data) is output by Kvis and contains time-averaged data (see time terminology below) with the instrument calibrations applied. The Level 1 data files which are produced by Kvis are the .sum, .spec, .anc, .calib, and .info files which are from the corresponding Kvis output lines (SUM, SPEC, ANC, CALIB and INFO/ERROR). The content of these lines is described in Sec. 3.4 and at