A set of plotting routines (called sumplots) utilizing the gnuplot plotting program was written for PTI by Andy Boden. These have been adapted for Kvis and are called KvisPlot. There are two modes for KvisPlot: 1) creating a series of standardized plots of the sum file and 2) creating one plot with user-specified axes from a file containing SAMPLE, FRAME or SUM lines. The input file can only contain one of the allowed types. The default behavior, invoked if KvisPlot is called with only a file name as an argument, is to produce the standard sum plots. The standard sum file plot are: V2i(WB), V2i(WB), N(WB), V2i(Spec), V2i(Spec), N(Spec), and jitter and other standard plots as a function of time in UT hours (see Table 5 for a descriptions). More information can be found at http://msc.caltech.edu/software/Kvis/KvisPlot.help and a description of the plots is at http://msc.caltech.edu/KISupport/v2/Level1Plots.html.
Standard sum file plots
>KvisPlot -all file.sum (produces plots to screen) >KvisPlot -all -hc file.sum (produces a postscript file called file.sum.ps) >KvisPlot -spec file.spec (produces standard plots for spectrometer channels) >KvisPlot -anc file.anc file.sum (produces ancillary data plots as well as standard plots)
Single plot
>KvisPlot -one any.fileThe user will then be prompted with a list of allowed variables to enter as the x and y-axis.