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Output file descriptions

The following tables contain the descriptions of the column format for the output formats. See for descriptions of the INFO and CALIB output formats.

Table 2: Description of columns in the RAW output.
Raw samples
Column Variable Description
1 RAW File indentifier
2 time UT time (decimal hours)
3 delay delay line position (meters)
4 z  
5 a  
6 b  Raw values as read from IR array
7 c  not yet divided by number of sub-reads
8 d  
9 sflag servo mode value
10 tflag track mode value
11 cflag calibration mode value

Table 3: Description of columns in the SAMPLE output. Internal calibrations and dewarping applied to X,Y,N and NUM.
Column Variable Description
1 SAMPLE File indentifier
2 date month/day/year/hour:min:sec
3 time UT time (decimal hours)
4 source source name
5 delay delay line position (meters)
6 channel WL = 0, spectrometer starts at 1
7 z  
8 a  
9 b  Raw values as read from CCD
10 c  not yet divided by number of sub-reads
11 d  
12 X fringe quadrature (A - C)
13 Y fringe quadrature (B - D)
14 N total flux (A + B + C + D)
15 NUM energy (X2 + Y2)
16 V2 squared visibility
17 phase unwrapped fringe phase (radians)
18 opd optical path difference as measured by fringe tracker ($ \mu$m)

Table 4: Description of columns in the FRAME output.
Column Variable Description
1 FRAME File indentifier
2 date month/day/year/hour:min:sec
3 time UT time (decimal hours)
4 source source name
5 delay delay line position (meters)
6 channel WL= 0, spectrometer starts at 1
7 # samp Number of samples averaged in this frame
8 X fringe quadrature (A - C)
9 Y fringe quadrature (B - D)
10 N total flux (A + B + C + D)
11 NUMI incoherent energy (X2 + Y2)
12 NUMC coherent energy (X2 + Y2)

Table 5: Description of columns in the SUM output.
Column Variable Description
1 SUM File indentifier
2 date month/day/year/hour:min:sec
3 time UT time (decimal hours)
4 source source name
5 FDL fast delay line position (meters)
6 LDL long delay line position (meters)
7 N(WB) wide-band photons (in DN)
8 V2i(WB) incoherent wide-band squared visibility
9 V2c(WB) coherent wide-band squared visibility
10 $ \lambda$(WB) wide-band wavelength (microns)
11 N(S) average spectral channel photons (in DN)
12 V2i(S) incoherent V2 from weighted average of spec channels
13 V2c(S) coherent V2 from weighted average of spec channels
14 $ \lambda$(S) weighted average of spec channel wavelengths (microns)
15 jitter rms of difference between sample phases (radians)
16 # frames number of frames in this block
17 # locks number of lock breaks in this block
18 fracTime fractional time locked on fringe
19 FT rate fringe tracker sample rate (Hz)
20 RC(WB) wide-band ratio correction
21 RC(S) weighted average spec ratio correction
22 flag calibration flag
23 baseline baseline designation

Table 6: Description of columns in the SPEC output.
Spectral channel blocks
Column Variable Description
1 SPEC File indentifier
2 date month/day/year/hour:min:sec
3 time UT time (decimal hours)
4 source source name
5 FDL fast delay line position (meters)
6 LDL long delay line position (meters)
7 jitter rms phase jitter (radians)
8 FT rate fringe tracker sample rate (Hz)
9 flag calibration flag
10 baseline baseline designation
11 nch number of spectral channels
12 $ \lambda$ wavelength for channel 1 ($ \mu$m)
13 N number of photons (in DN) for channel 1
14 V2i(1) incoherent V2 for channel 1
15 V2c(1) coherent V2 for channel 1
16 RC(1) ratio correction for channel 1
$ \vdots$     $ \vdots$     $ \vdots$
nch*5 + 7 $ \lambda$ wavelength for channel nch ($ \mu$m)
nch*5 + 8 N number of photons (in DN) for channel nch
nch*5 + 9 V2i incoherent V2 for channel nch
nch*5 + 10 V2c coherent V2 for channel nch
nch*5 + 11 RC ratio correction for channel nch

Table 7: Description of columns in the ANC output.
Column Variable Description
1 ANC File indentifier
2 date month/day/year/hour:min:sec
3 time UT time (decimal hours)
4 source source name
5 V2i(WB) incoherent wide-band squared visibility
6 jitter rms of difference between sample phases (radians)
7 N(WB) wide-band photons (in DN)
8 N(WB) rms wide-band rms/mean
9 WB ratio Wide-band ratio (Keck 1/Keck 2)
10 Spec ratio Summed spectrometer ratio (Keck 1/Keck 2)
11 ST(K1) Keck 1 Star tracker mean intensity (DN)
12 ST(K2) Keck 2 Star tracker mean intensity (DN)
13 ST rate Star tracker rate (Hz)
14 Az(K1) Keck 1 azimuth (radians)
15 Elev(K1) Keck 1 elevation (radians)
16 Az err(K1) Keck 1 azimuth error (radians)
17 El err(K1) Keck 1 elevation error (radians)
18 Az(K2) Keck 2 azimuth (radians)
19 Elev(K2) Keck 2 elevation (radians)
20 Az err(K2) Keck 2 azimuth error (radians)
21 El err(K2) Keck 2 elevation error (radians)
22 AO cnts(K1) Keck 1 Mean wave-frint sensor counts
23 AO rate (K1) Keck 1 AO correction loop rate (Hz)
24 AO DT gain(K1) Keck 1 AO tip-tile loop gain
25 SO DM gain(K1) Keck 1 AO deformable mirror loop gain
26 AO cnts(K2) Keck 2 Mean wave-frint sensor counts
27 AO rate (K2) Keck 2 AO correction loop rate (Hz)
28 AO DT gain(K2) Keck 2 AO tip-tile loop gain
29 SO DM gain(K2) Keck 2 AO deformable mirror loop gain

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RACHEL L AKESON 2004-11-29