Name:                   VMT
Version:                2.0
Posted Date:            4/22/2009
OS:                     Unix/Linux/MacOSX
Additional Info:


The Visibility Modeling Tool (VMT) is a software application developed
by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) to allow prospective or
experienced users of optical interferometers to approximately model the
interferometric observables for objects of interest using a simple
interface. The VMT is a new component on NExScI's getCal suite of
observation planning utilities.

In addition to the downloadable version available here,
the VMT can also be accessed as a web application online at

Among its primary motivations, the VMT aims to support users of the
Keck Interferometer (KI), and in particular the Nuller Key Science
users.  It should however be equally useful to users of any other
ground-based interferometer. The VMT performs visibility amplitude (and
null depth in the case of the KI) predictions, and thus will help
astronomers primarily in the observation planning stage of their
investigations.  The VMT requires that JRE version 1.4 or higher is
installed on your computer.

The VMT is an executable jar file and runs on MacOSX, Linux and Windows

To download:

1] Locate and click the "download" link next to VMT Tool
2] Then depending upon your platform:

    a) save the file to a desired location on your machine
    b) locate the zip folder on your machine, and extract it (double-click)
    c) locate the executable jar icon (vmt-x.y.jar) within the unzipped folder and double-click it.

    a) save the file to a desired location on your machine
    b) locate the zip folder on your machine, and extract it (right click->Extract All..)
    c) locate vmt-x.y.jar executable jar icon within the unzipped folder and double-click it.

    a) save the file to a desired location on your machine
    b) locate the zip folder on your machine, and extract it (double click to open, then click edit->extract)
    c) locate vmt-x.y.jar executable jar icon within the unzipped folder 
    d) launch it from the command line:  java  -jar  vmt-x.y.jar