Name:   		V2Calib
Version:  		1.7.13
Posted Date:  		04/19/2011
OS:  			Unix/Linux/MacOSX
Additional Info:


This V2 Calibration package contains wbCalib, nbCalib, nullCalib, nbNullCalib, mscLib, KvisPlot and NullerPlot. 

wbCalib and nbCalib are wide- and narrow-band interferometric visibility
calibration programs.  They correlate observations on science targets with
observations of calibration sources, estimate model system visibilities at the
times of target scans, apply the models to estimate calibrated target
visiblities, and optionally compute ancillary geometric information (u-v
coordinates, delay, hour angles).  These programs were originally developed for
use at PTI and later updated to provide support for KI.

nullCalib and nbNullCalib are wide- and narrow-band interferometric nulling data 
calibration programs.  They correlate observations on science targets
with observations of calibration sources, estimate model system nulls at the 
times of the target scans, apply the system null estimates to obtain calibrated
target null amplitudes at those times, and optionally compute ancillary
geometric information (i.e. u-v coordinates, delays, hour angles).
These programs were developed for the KI mode by adapting the visibility
amplitude programs wbCalib and nbCalib.  

KvisPlot and NullerPlot are optional tools for plotting Level-1 data files; you must have
gnuplot installed to use KvisPlot and/or NullerPlot.