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Visibility estimators

The fringe detector uses a four bin algorithm with path length modulation. See Colavita (1999) for a detailed description of this method. The detector array is read 5 times, before the modulation starts and after each quarter-wave of modulation. These reads are called z, a, b, c and d. Each of these reads consists of a number of sub-reads to reduce the effective read-noise. The basic output of the fringe detector, which is called a sample (Sec. 2.2), is the array counts for each channel and these values are read in by Kvis.

For each channel the integrated flux in each bin is calculated as

A = (a - z)/ns   B = (b - a)/ns  
C = (c - b)/ns   D = (d - c)/ns, (1)

where ns is the number of non-destructive reads of the detector. The fringe quadratures are then given by
X = C - A  
Y = D - B (2)

and the total flux is

N = A + B + C + D. (3)
A measure of the energy is given by

NUM = X2 + Y2. (4)
From these values we calculate the squared visibility and phase

V2 = $\displaystyle {\frac{{\pi^2}}{{2}}}$$\displaystyle {\frac{{NUM}}{{N^2}}}$ (5)

$\displaystyle \phi$ = arctan$\displaystyle {\frac{{Y}}{{X}}}$. (6)

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RACHEL L AKESON 2004-11-29