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Adding new channels

To add a new telemetry channel of a known telemetry type to the API, there are 4 steps.

  1. Add the channels to channels.params. The format of this file is specified in Sec. 3.3.

  2. Add the channel to the archive pointer list in The format is
    result = archivePtr.KAI_tie("FT_OPD0", &FT_OPD0); where the first argument is the first column of the channels.params file and the second in the name given the vis_main.h.

  3. Add the channel to vis_main.h. Using the same names from and the appropriate data type, add the channel to vis_main.h. Example: DoubleType FT_OPD0;

  4. Transfer the values from the API variables to local variables using the getValue method. Example: WLSample->fastDelay = DL1_metrology.getValue();

RACHEL L AKESON 2004-11-29