Help file for KvisPlot R. Akeson 11/30/2004 KvisPlot is a set of perl scripts adapted from A. Boden's sumplots scripts for PTI. The input files come from the output of Kvis, the visiblity processing program. The input file must contain only one of the allowed data types: SUM, FRAME or SAMPLE lines. An easy way to produce these files is to grep the output of Kvis: > Kvis | grep 'SUM' > output.sum For more help on Kvis see Note that KvisPlot will also work in the default (-all) mode for PTI data files. *************************************************************** Usage: > KvisPlot options filename Invoking KvisPlot without options defaults to -all. The -all and -one options do not work together, but either can be used with -hc. Allowed options: -all This creates a series of plots from a sum file. The plots are incoherent and coherent squared visibility and number of photons for the white light channel and the spectral line channel and the jitter, all as a function of time in UT hours. -one Only one plot is created and the user is prompted for the x and y axes variables from a list. Any of the three data types (SUM, FRAME or SAMPLE) are allowed. Note that for SAMPLE and FRAME files, all channels contained in the file will be plotted. -hc Produce a postscript file called -gif Produce output as gif files. -png Produce output as png files. -spec Creates a series of plots for the spec file output. For this option to work, the filename input must contain SPEC lines. Works with -gif and -hc options. -anc ancfile Creates a series of plots for the ancillary file data. Requires the anc file name. -bt btfile Creates a series of plots for the block trending file data. Requires the bt (block trending) file name. -stdin Takes input data from standard input. -help Prints short help message.