Summary files are ASCII text files that contain the wide-band L-1 V2 data for KI. The following gives an example of a line from a KI summary file:
SUM 01/01/2001/05:44:28 5.741124 HDC202240 6.318694 40.000000 805.5 0.429 0.359 2.200 180.1 0.557 0.443 2.277 0.983 29 4 0.56 500 0.000 0.000 0 KI_K1K2
The line consists of a number of space-delimited fields. The meanings of these fields are summarized in the table below. Each line corresponds to a block average of data (typically from 5 to 25 seconds of fringe data, not necessarily contiguous). All entries, including time and delay line position, are mean values for the block. A # as the leading character indicates a comment.
field# | content | comments |
SUM | File identifier. Each line starts with SUM to support the grep extraction mechanism from the intermediate data file produced by the L1 reduction code (Kvis). |
observation date | UTC date of the observation (dd/mm/yyyy/hh:mm:ss) |
observation time | Mean observation time (decimal UTC hours) |
source designation | Source designation (ASCII string) |
FDL optical path | Mean fast delay line optical path difference (m) |
LDL optical path | Mean long delay line optical path difference (m) |
wideband flux | Fringe tracker flux in wideband channel. DN units (approximately 3 photons/DN) |
wideband incoherent V2 | Wide-band visibility squared (dimensionless) |
wideband coherent V2 | Wideband visibility squared (dimensionless) |
wideband wavelength | Wideband wavelength (microns) |
composite SPEC flux | Fringe tracker flux in spectrometer channels, SNR-weighted average over spectrometer channels. DN units (approximately 5 photons/DN); |
composite SPEC incoherent V2 | Incoherent V2, SNR-weighted average over spectrometer channels (dimensionless) |
composite SPEC coherent V2 | Coherent V2, SNR-weighted average over spectrometer channels (dimensionless) |
Composite SPEC wavelength | Photon weighted average wavelength over spectrometer channels |
phase jitter | RMS phase difference between consecutive fringe samples (radians) |
number of frames | Number of frames |
number of lock breaks | Number of lock breaks |
fractional time locked | Fractional time locked on fringe |
frame rate | Fringe tracker sample rate (Hz) |
wideband ratio correction | Wideband V2 ratio correction (dimensionless) |
composite SPEC ratio correction | Composite SPEC V2 ratio correction (dimensionless) |
cal flag | Internal calibration quality
flag (*) |
baseline | Baseline name |
The calibration flag has the following possible values:
where CalTime = 10 minutes.