KI V2 Data Products

QA Processing Info (.qainfo) File

The QA processing information (.qainfo) file providesancillary information about the processing of the L-1 data. It includes information about the version and configuration of theQA code and the context file used. A # as the leading character signifies a comment line.

QAINFO L1QAVersion = 0.8
QAINFO L1QACVSId = ID: qa, v 1.1 2003/01/01 19:27:51 heidi Exp 
QAINFO L1QACVSRevision = Revision: 1.5 
QAINFO RunTime = 01/01/2004 22:31:33  UTC
QAINFO ProcessingTime = 52 wallclock secs (45.18 usr  1.32 sys +  0.72 cusr  1.56 csys = 48.78 CPU)
QAINFO ContextFile = ../ki.context
QAINFO ContextVersion = 1.2 
QAINFO ContextCVSId = ki.context,v 1.2 2003/01/01 22:24:40 heidi Exp 
QAINFO ContextCVSDate = 2003/01/01 22:24:40 
QAINFO ContextComment =  Revision 1.2  2003/01/01 22:24:40  heidi context generated from first 37 nights of KI operations (2002, 2003, and through July 2004). Bins for Lock Breaks and Ratio Correction adjusted slightly from revision 1.1 QAINFO WB_Night_Pct = 64
QAINFO KvisRunTime = 01/01/2004 17:29:51  UTC 
QAINFO ObservationMode = NIRV2