KI V2 Data Products

V2 Processing Info (.info) File

The V2 processing information (.info) file providesancillary information about the processing of the L-1 data. It includes information about the version and configuration of thereduction code. A # as the leading character signifies a comment line.

INFO: Kvis version $Name:  $ $Id: info.html,v 1.3 2003/01/01 19:14:24 akeson Exp $ LIST DRIVEN APIINFO: API version  API_3_02a intdev@haena 01/01/2003 22:49:08 UT 
INFO: Run time: 01/01/2003 14:23:00  UTC 
INFO: processing from time 0.000000 to 23.999000 
INFO: numSpecChannels = 4 
INFO: WLWave  2.200 
INFO: strokeWave  2.200 
INFO: channelWave  2.300  2.200  2.100  2.000 
INFO: WLNumReads 1 INFO: specNumReads 1 
INFO: using data from /sdata801/archive/currentdata/20031420525.archfile 
INFO: frame averaging time (s) = 0.100000
INFO: block averaging time (s) = 5.000000
INFO: calibration type = 3 
INFO: spec averaging type = 0