
KI data access

Data flow

The raw data from the interferometer is transmitted in telemetry packets and recorded in archive files. This telemetry contains all the science data as well as engineering data from the instrument. The volume of raw data varies with the observing mode and instrument parameters but ranges from 10 to 20 Gbyte per night. These files are maintained in a long-term repository at the NExScI.

The raw data is processed into visibility amplitudes and averaged into blocks of data 5 seconds long. This processing is performed automatically at the end of each night of observing. These 5 second blocks of data have been corrected for detector biases. A more detailed desciption of this data reduction is given in the Kvis manual. The averaged visibilities and the necessary auxiliary information are referred to as Level 1 data.

The final stage of data analysis is to calibrate the Level 1 data for the system visibility. Details of this procedure are here.

Data Access

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updated 12/15/03 R. Akeson