
PTI V2 Data Products

Nightly Report (.rpt) File

The nightly report file provides a one page synopsis of the datacollected for a night of PTI V2operations.The report file has the following format:

   --- PTI nightly report for 05/18/99 from 99138.sum ---Object     Num Sum  Start  Stop     Incoh V2    Avg Jit   Avg  Phot   Avg LockDesig       Records    UT     UT      (min/max)    (rad)     (WL/Sp DN)   Breaks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HDC118216    15      4:36   5:40   0.469/0.518   0.568   596.9/40.3     0.26HDC120064    15      4:46   5:51   0.224/0.282   0.547   227.2/15.4     0.26...

with one line per target, followed by:

Simbad Object Key:HDC118216:  hd 118216: Type: Variable of RS CVn type  F2IV V=4.98 K~4.2 V* BH CVnHDC120064:  hd 120064: Type: Spectrocopic binary  A7V:+... V=5.95 K~5.5 * 3 Boo

again with one line per target.

The format of this file is (hopefully) self-explanatory.