
PTI V2 Data Products

Calibrated V2 Output Description

Calibrated narrow-band V2 data files are text files that areproduced by the MSC V2 calibration applicationnbCalib. Thefollowing gives an example of the output of nbCalib in default mode:

# Calibrating star HDC195987  at 20 32 51.642 +41 53 54.522 #  with respect to 4 calibrators: #  star HDC195194  at 20 28 25.791 +39 19 44.250   size 0.67  error 0.1  2.7 degrees away from target#  star HDC200031  at 20 59 42.912 +38 49 22.504   size 0.6  error 0.1    6 degrees away from target#  star HDC177196  at 19 01 26.368 +46 56 05.325   size 0.7  error 0.06   17 degrees away from target#  star HDC185395  at 19 36 26.538 +50 13 15.970   size 0.84  error 0.04   13 degrees away from target# Calibration code settings for this run: # > Calibrating all wavebands# > Calibrating all frame rates# > Calibrating incoherent spectrometer V2 data# > Applying jitter correction# > Using calibration scans within +/- 1 hr of the target scan# > Weighting calibration scans WRT temporal proximity, variance doubles in 1 hr# > Weighting calibration scans WRT sky proximity, variance doubles in 15 deg# > No minimum calibrated scan uncertainty# > Flagging calibration warnings when multiple calibrators disagree by more than 2 sigma# > Rejecting the scan when multiple calibrators disagree by more than 3 sigma# 271 data lines read from 100180.spec# Calibration data format:# name	#VisPts	MJD	m/d/y/h:m:s	UT	Delay(m)	#Chan	\> WL(um)	CalVis	Err	RawVis	Err	SysVis	Err... \> #Cal	U(m)	V(m)	HA(hr)	BLName# Target HDC195987:HDC195987	5	51723.37614	6/28/100/9:1:38	9.0274	-32.2712	5 \> 2.396	0.717954	0.185974	0.5772	0.147111	0.803951	0.0371808 \> 2.299	0.818887	0.054887	0.5996	0.0299239	0.732213	0.0327609 \> 2.203	1.04916	0.110158	0.7392	0.0530713	0.704562	0.0539792 \> 2.106	0.671904	0.162046	0.4934	0.114967	0.734331	0.0456897 \> 2.009	-0.260067	1.31634	-0.1524	0.77102	0.586004	0.0904048 \> 3	-49.483712	-96.068125	-0.860713	PTI_NS...# 9 calibrated scans output under name HDC195987# 9 total calibrated scans output on target HDC195987
The first section of the output is an extended preamble (with commentlines indicated by # symbols) containing the following pieces:
  • Indications of any option flags that were passed to wbCalib
  • What sources will be calibrated with respect to what calibrators
  • A summary of how the data is to be calibrated -- a summary of the settings for this run
  • A summary of where the input data is being found
  • A template line giving the format of the data to follow
The second section of the file containes a list of calibrated outputdata. For each specified target/pseudonym there is a designationheader, and then a sequence of space delimited data lines. Thecontents of these data lines is described by the following table:





Target Designation

Target Designation (string)


# SUM Records

# of sum records averaged into this target scan (integer)



Modified Julian Date (day) (float)


UTC Date/Time

UTC Date/time in mm/dd/yy/hh:mm:ss format (string)



UTC Time (decimal hours) (float)



Average delay (m) (float)



Number of spectrometer channels (integer)

8 + 7*(i-1)

Wavelength i

Channel i wavelength (microns) (float)

9 + 7*(i-1)

CalVis i

Channel i calibrated visibility (dimensionless) (float)

10 + 7*(i-1)

ErrVis i

Channel i std error in calibrated visibility (dimensionless) (float)

11 + 7*(i-1)

RawVis i

Channel i raw (L-1) visibility (dimensionless) (float)

12 + 7*(i-1)

ErrRawVis i

Channel i std error in raw visibility (dimensionless) (float)

13 + 7*(i-1)

SysVis i

Channel i estimated system visibility (dimensionless)

14 + 7*(i-1)

ErrSysVis i

Channel i std error in system visibility (dimensionless) (float)

15 + 7*NChannels

# Cals

Number of calibrators used in calibrating this scan (integer)

16 + 7*NChannels


u * lambda -- RA baseline projection (m) (float)

17 + 7*NChannels


v * lambda -- Dec baseline projection (m) (float)

18 + 7*NChannels


Hour angle on target for this scan (decimal hours) (float)

19 + 7*NChannels

Frame Rate

Frame rate for this scan (Hz) (integer)

20 + 7*NChannels


Baseline designation for this scan (e.g. PTI_NS) (string)

where the channel index i runs from 1 to NChannels.

More detailed information is available in the documentation for nbCalib.