PTI Observer's Log (.log) FileThe KI observer's log is an ASCII file that contains both a seriesof automated entires in response to system events, and possiblyfree-form manual entries produced by the human observer. Automated EntriesThe log file has a number of automated entries. Reading in a new set ofobjects into the observation control GUI produces a report on the newobject set in the following format (examples taken from 99138.log):2:59:34: New Starlist sent to Sequencer.HDC78418 9 08 47.330 +26 37 44.80 6.00 4.4 G5IV xxx xxxHDC79452 9 15 14.248 +34 38 00.65 6.00 3.8 G6III 8.12 0.77+...Each successful star observation results in an automated observationrecord that has the following format: 4:39:18: Star: HDC118216 : Start: 4:33:22, Fringe: 4:36:24, Locks: 2/0130, HA: -1.02, Zenith: 13.0, V2: 0.386, Delay: -504.40, Photons: 3025.7, BG:-5.06, SpecV2: 0.585, SpecPhotons: 35.3 4:44:36: Star: HDC121107 : Start: 4:39:18, Fringe: 4:41:46, Locks: 1/0130, HA: -1.24, Zenith: 22.0, V2: 0.461, Delay: -125.20, Photons: 2411.6, BG:-5.28, SpecV2: 2.207, SpecPhotons: 9.2... Manual EntriesManual entries are free-form and generally intended to be informative, e.g.:4:38:56: 4/18 MJK beautiful clear night, no cloudsFirst fringes at 9:39 pmI didn't quite get to 75 Cnc in time...maybe I can get it tomorrow now that I'mback up to speed. The file is created chronologically, so many instances of these types ofmessages will be interspersed. The content of each summary observation line is as follows: