
PTI V2 Data Products

V2 Processing Info (.info) File

The V2 processing information (.info) file providesancillary information about the processing of the L-1 data. Thefollowing example is taken from the file It begins withsome meta-information about the configuration of the reduction code:

INFO: whichCalHigh = 0INFO: specSkipLeft = 0INFO: specSkipRight = 0INFO: weightedAvgFlag =  3INFO: useForegroundFlag = 0INFO: medianFlag = 1INFO: cal_branch = 2INFO: Compile Date:09:50:54 May 17 1999INFO: Run time:GMT 12:24:56 May 18 1999

This is then followed by tables of calibration data:

INFO: Reading User-Specified Spectrometer Configuration:INFO: wlLambda: 2.200INFO:  5 PixelsINFO: Spectrometer Lambdas:  2.396  2.312  2.203  2.099  2.009INFO: 0 05/18/99    3.538056 CAL_LOWINFO: 2 05/18/99    3.600972 CAL_HIGHINFO: Reading frameStruct information.INFO:   5 Spectrometer Pixels: lambdaStart 2.396100 lambdaStop 2.009100, lambdaWl    2.200INFO:  WL       6.47       3.25      76.80      0.207      19.56INFO:  68       6.58      13.22     114.33      0.202      36.28INFO:  69       4.86       4.22      91.16      0.210      36.20INFO:  70       2.25       2.72      73.76      0.217      29.69INFO:  71       2.79       2.30      66.93      0.206      29.52INFO:  72       0.67       1.93      58.67      0.215      36.81INFO: 0 05/18/99    3.657639 CAL_LOWINFO: 2 05/18/99    3.685694 CAL_HIGH...

followed by foreground, background, and ratio readouts:

INFO: 4 05/18/99    4.118194 FORE      174.9    5.8   14.1   16.4   14.9    7.0INFO: 5 05/18/99    4.122778 RATIO     181.7    5.9   14.1   16.5   15.0    7.2INFO: 4 05/18/99    4.599028 FORE      628.4   19.5   45.5   51.1   45.3   22.1INFO: 5 05/18/99    4.603611 RATIO     388.8   12.2   28.5   32.0   28.8   14.0INFO: 1 05/18/99    4.653750 BACK       -5.1   -0.6   -0.5   -0.4   -0.3   -0.4INFO: 4 05/18/99    4.686528 FORE      492.4   14.3   34.3   39.2   35.1   16.9...INFO: 54 BG records, 58 FG Records, 58 Ratio records.

and finally concluding with information about the spectrometerconfiguration used.

INFO: Using wavelength scale from frameStruct.INFO: Spectrometer Configuration USED:INFO: wlLambda: 2.200INFO:  5 PixelsINFO: Spectrometer Lambdas:  2.396  2.299  2.203  2.106  2.009INFO: using post 98308 read logic